Registration for Library Privileges
Bonafide members of the University who register for library privileges shall be required to present/ submit the following to the College of Dentistry Library.
New Library User: a) Form 5 (student's registration form) ; b) "1x1" ID picture.
Old Student: a) Student's UP Manila ID valid for the current semester ; b) Form 5 (student's registration form)
UP Manila Employee (Faculty, REPS, Administrative Staff) : Any of the following: Employee's ID; appointment paper/s or certificate of employment.
Library users must first register in the library to avail library services and privileges, those who fail to settle his/her previous Library accountability will not be: (a) allowed to register; (b) permitted to use the Library; and (c) issued a library clearance.
Borrowing Privileges
Members of the University can borrow books and other library materials on circulation.
Undergraduate Students and Administrative Staff of the University may borrow five (5) Circulation books and three (3) Reserve books at a time.
Graduate and Research Staff of the University may borrow ten (10) Circualtion books and five (5) Reserve books at a time.
Faculty and Officials of the University may borrow ten (10) Circualtion books and five (5) Reserve books at a time.
Borrower's Responsibilities
Please ensure that items are returned or renewed on or before the due date and remember that you are responsible for all items borrowed on your account until they are returned and cleared off your record.
Please note that there is no guarantee that it will be possible to renew items. If items have been reserved for another user, they must be returned on due date. Fines will apply if items are not returned on due date.
Any borrowed item may be recalled at any time. Fines will apply if items are not returned by the amended due date.