Library Rules and Regulations
Record of Borrowed Materials. Any material(s) borrowed from the library shall be recorded in the Integrated Library System's Server. A person who draws a book or periodical from a library shall sign to the book and be accountable for it until returned.
Book loaned out. Books loaned out shall be in the name of the person requesting the loan. Books may be kept for overnight or 1 week (depending on the book), renewable once, but may be recalled at any time as needed.
Books borrowed during the Second Semester shall be returned without renewal of loan for the mandated annual inventory.
Recall of Books. Any book on loan may be recalled when: a) Officials of the University have an urgent need of the book; b) a book is to be placed on “Reserve” for a course or is to be given shorter loan periods; c) it is overdue; d) the library is conducting their mandated annual inventory.
Loss of Circulation Book. Any person who loses or fail to return a book within seven (7) days after due or recall shall: a) replace it with the same title or a good photocopy; or b) pay its current replacement value; or c) replace it within 30 days by another title to be selected by the librarian. In all cases the person shall pay a fine equivalent to 50% of the cost of the book.
Loss of a Periodical. Any person who loses or fails to return a periodical after recall shall: a) replace it with the same title and issue number; or b) replace it with a good photocopy within thirty (30) days; or c) pay its current replacement value. In all cases the person shall pay a fine equivalent to 50% of the cost of the periodical.
Failure to Return a Circulation Book. Any person who fails to return a book open to general circulation on its due date or after recall shall pay a fine of P2.00 a day, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.
Failure to Return a Reserve Book. Any person who fails to return a reserve book shall pay a fine according to the following schedule: a) for each hour after the first, five pesos (P5.00); b) for each full day, fifty pesos (P50.00). A second offense within a semester shall subsequently suspend/ curtail this privilege for the rest of the semester or summer.
Withdrawal of a Reserve Book Without Reservation Permit. Any person who draws out a reserve book for overnight use without an approved reservation shall: pay a fine of P50.00. On second offense, the library privilege to borrow from the reserve collection shall be suspended for two weeks.
Violations for the Use of Special Collections and Archival Materials. Infraction of the Rule on the use of special collections and archival materials shall mean suspension of library privileges not exceeding one month.
Failure to Return a General Reference Book and Other Restricted Materials Borrowed for Photocopying Purposes. Any person who fails to return a general reference book and other restricted materials borrowed for photocopying purposes shall: pay a fine of P50.00. On second offense, the person shall have his library privileges suspended for one week.
Mutilating or Stealing Library Properties. Any person shall deface, mutilate, appropriate for himself, or steal any library material or property shall: a) replace it; or b) pay its current replacement value. In both cases, the person shall pay a fine of not less than three hundred pesos (P300.00) but not more than 50% of the current cost of the book whichever is higher. (This is without prejudice to the imposition, in appropriate cases, of an additional penalty suspension or expulsion to be imposed after due process, by the Chancellor upon recommendation of the University Library through the Dean).
Loss of Identification Card. Any bona fide member of the University who loses his identification card shall report the loss immediately to the College Library. An application for the duplicate identification card shall be made to the Registrar's Office and presented to the College Library for proper validation.
Falsification of Use of Someone else's ID Card or Borrower's Card. Any person who falsifies the Identification Card shall after due process be suspended for the University for not more than on semester. Any person who uses an Identification Card or Borrower's card not his own shall have his library privileges suspended for not more than one semester.
Disorderly and Disruptive Behavior. Any person engaged in disorderly conduct such as drunken behavior, creating disorder, tumult, breach of peace, or serious disturbances, gross and deliberate discourtesy, possession of prohibited drugs, or in disruptive behavior such as excessive noise, loud discussions, scandalous acts (such as exhibitionist acts, necking, etc.): or in improper behavior such as smoking, eating and playing cards within the library premises shall be excluded by the Librarian from the library premises and be subject to suspension of library privileges for not more than two weeks.
Refusal or Failure to Settle Library Accounts. Any person who after due notice refuse or fail to settle library accounts or obligations without just cause. a) shall not be allowed to register; b) shall not be permitted to use the University libraries; c) shall not be issued a University clearance.
Consortium Agreement. Library privileges in consortium arrangement shall be subject to the following: a) there is a consortium memorandum of agreement between UP and the other consortium member; and b) library privileges shall be granted on a reciprocal basis but shall not exceed the priviliges granted to bona fide members of the University.
Summary and Regular Procedures for Disciplinary Action by the Librarian. The University or College Librarian may proceed against any person in cases of violations of provisions of the University Library Rules and Regulations. The summary and regular procedures for disciplinary action by the Librarian shall be provided in the implementing guidelines.